Our Mission & Vision
Our Mission

With poor air quality contributing the deaths of 8 million people annually around the world, an estimated 91% of the global population breathing polluted air and 10% of annual child deaths under the age of five due to contaminated air (Source: UNICEF, World Health Organization), it’s time to make a change.
Our mission at Zero2.5 is to create affordable and practical solutions to provide the clean, fresh air that everyone on the planet should have access to. We are committed to providing sustainable solutions that enhance the environment rather than harm it.
Our solutions are designed to be reliable, low cost, almost maintenance free and with low energy costs, ensuring they deliver the practical, easy used solution for any situation.
Our Vision
As the first living plant-based ionizer, Zero2.5 creates an affordable and low maintenance route to cleaner, fresher air. We have a vision of a world where everyone breathes fresh air wherever they go.
Our environmentally friendly solution will transform how we approach air quality. We set out to encourage people and businesses everywhere to promote the importance of air quality and improving people’s lives.
Zero2.5 is a revolution in approach to air filtering. We want to show a better way, where we don’t accept polluted air, but we use the power of nature all around us to ensure we can all breathe healthy, clean air and enjoy the benefits it brings.