Since the COVID-19 outbreak, Temasek Foundation has been working closely with local communities to assist them in their response to the pandemic. As many in the community would remember, the distribution of free reusable masks for all residents in Singapore is one of the initiatives under Temasek’s Stay Prepared program to enhance resiliency against the pandemic.
In the latest initiative, Temasek Foundation’s Project Safeguard aims to promote public awareness of scientific findings in our local R&D ecosystem to help combat the COVID-19 transmission as we progressively re-open our economy.
Some of the research findings showcased include using UV (ultraviolet) light to kill gems and disinfect surfaces. The UV technology has been deployed in the Connect@Changi initiative where physical documents are disinfected before being passed to the parties across the air-tight glass panel during meetings.
Zero2.5’s plant-based and natural fibre ionizers were also part of the technology showcased in Project Safeguard. Backed by research findings from Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory (TLL), our natural ionizers have showed to be effective in minimizing the risk of COVID-19 transmission in poorly ventilated spaces.
An ACH-equivalent of 12 and CADR of 141 ft3/min can be achieved by deploying our large plant or natural fibre ionizer in a poorly ventilated room of 20m³, which exceeds ventilation requirements for hospitals (CDC recommends a minimum ACH of 6). Our natural ionizers can be more efficient in clearing aerosol particles than commercial electro-mechanical ionizers.
The education initiative highlights the scientific principles and explains how plant-based and natural fibre ionizers can effectively reduce risk of viral transmission with simple-to-understand and intuitive infographics. (Check out the infographic here!)
Our ionizers come in a variety of sizes from tabletop plant ionizers suitable for a small-to-medium sized room or a large potted plant for a bigger office or reception hall. Not only are our natural ionizers effective at removing aerosolized viral particles in the air, but they are also effective at eliminating dust and harmful PM2.5 for cleaner and fresher air.